Advancing the Lives of Farmworkers in South Carolina
East Coast Migrant Head Start Project is investing in our employees to take our mission and vision to the next level.
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Disability Services
Disability Services
Alcanzar el sueño americano a través de la educación
Guest Post: ECMHSP’s Journey to Implementing the Planned Language Approach (PLA)
Guest Post: Community Outreach in Alabama
Our Families Return to the North Carolina Fields
ECMHSP’s YouTube Learning Channel: Bringing Our Teachers to the Home
The National Emergency Brings Out the Best in Us!
Changing the Lives of Farmworker Families with Cesar Chavez
Learning the Value of an Education
From the Fields to the Board Room: A Window Into the World of Board Member Nilda Soto
Continuing the Legacy
Guest Post: Wellness Matters
Guest Post: Family Engagement in Action
Guest Post: Giving 2020 a New Vision
Guest Post: Mental Health Comes First
A Brighter Future in Indiantown
A Family’s Dedication to Serve Others
Remember Where You Came From
Guest Post: The Importance of Overcoming Child Adversity
Celebrating Our Heritage